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GrowScape Instructions (page 3 of 3)
Care of your planting
Water and sunlight go a long way toward keeping most green plants happy. Depending on the size of your bed and the temperature, in hot, dry periods you will want to water perhaps every two or three days.

A "balanced" fertilizer means the fertilizer contains all 3 major plant nutrients - Nitrogen(N), Phosphorous(P) and Potassium(K) - in some reasonably balanced proportion. If a balanced fertilizer is used, follow the application recommendations for that particular fertilizer. Never over-apply. We like a soluble fish fertilizer, over-diluted and applied regularly with the irrigation water. Another good option for food crops is to apply a balanced granular organic fertilizer in the root zone at planting time, or a mixture of greensand (Potassium and micronutrients), blood or feather meal (Nitrogen), and bone or fish bone meal (Phosphorous) applied in the root zone at planting time. The granular organic fertilizers typically move slowly in soil, so a top dressing of these fertilizers will have little immediate effect on plant growth.

Moisture stress causes certain plants such as salad crops to "bolt", or attempt to seed, which has the effect of making the greens taste bitter. A regular watering schedule during dry periods will increase productivity and maintain high quality.

If you have questions about your GrowScape Vertical Garden, or about your planting in general, don't hesitate to call me (Dan Vorhis) at Muscle and Arm Farm (800-443-2607). I am happy to help!
TAMP and "WATER IN" EACH LEVEL as you build...